november 02, 2010

Technical notes for loving nerds

iPhone 3GS -- When it's finally payed for I'll get the iPhone 4 ;)
Hipstamatic App -- Love!
Various virtual lens and film combinations, try all, stay with a few.

Organizing and editing: Adobe Lightroom
iMac, ColorSync calibration, sRGB colorspace

My philosophy here, in correspondence with Hipstamatic, is analog-like shots with a minimum of editing. When edited, slight tone and colour adjustments.

More unorthodox composition is encouraged by the simple equipment and the square image format, which I now find both more versatile and interesting than the rectangular format.

Original resolution is Hipstamatic for iPhone 3GS high quality mode 1536x1536 px.
Images are uploaded to Flickr and linked to blog.
Versions shown, generated by Flickr, are 500x500.
The larger versions (when clicked) in Lightbox script gallery are 640x640.

I find that small formats works best; more intimate, maintain quality and has an analog "print" feel.

An example of my other photography

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