december 10, 2011

the visible world | sinnevärlden

Metaphysics and Epistemology. What really exists, and our knowledge thereof.

Plato: The visible world, present to our senses, consists of objects and their images, shadows, and reflections.

The intelligible world consists of the Forms. The Forms are what really exists. The Forms are unchanging and eternal.

Platon i Östberga, Konsumtorget.

The Good is what allows us to understand the Forms.

Sinnevärlden, den vi direkt kan uppfatta med sinnena, är en skugga eller ett återsken av idévärlden, den sanna, eviga och oföränderliga verkligheten. 

Plato one can manage without. But there is transcendence in all things.


november 26, 2011

Temple Mound II | Tempelkullen II

Här lekte säkert barnhemsbarnen. En inskription löd: ”All eder omsorg kasten på Herran”

The children from the nearby orphanage surely came here to play. An inscription said: ”Cast All Your Cares on the Lord”

Temple Mound I | Tempelkullen I